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Functional Testing for Clearing Acne

If you've struggled with persistent acne and tried countless treatments without success, you're not alone. At Melissa Birch Nutrition, my mission is to help individuals like you achieve acne-free, glowing skin. I take a comprehensive approach, focusing on identifying the root causes of acne through functional testing.

What is Functional Testing?

Functional testing is a sophisticated diagnostic tool that goes beyond traditional testing methods. The tests assess the functioning of various systems in your body, depending on the one you choose, helping us uncover the hidden factors contributing to your acne. The in-depth understanding allows us to identify the root causes of your acne, offering targeted solutions to restore balance and achieve clearer skin. 

Why Choose Functional Testing?

  • Discovering Imbalances: Functional Testing allows us to pinpoint the specific factors contributing to your acne, from gut imbalances to nutrient deficiencies, infections, and more.

  • Personalised Solutions: I believe in personalised care. Your unique test results inform a tailor-made treatment plan, addressing your individual needs.

  • Holistic Approach: Functional Testing complements my holistic approach, considering not just the symptoms but the underlying causes of your skin issues.

Unlocking Deeper Insights with Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) for Acne

At Melissa Birch Nutrition, my commitment to providing comprehensive solutions for acne extends to the inclusion of the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) test in my 1-1 package the Clear Skin Complete. HTMA is a powerful tool that offers valuable insights into your body's mineral balance, an often overlooked aspect of your overall health.

This non-invasive test assesses the mineral content in your hair, allowing us to gain a deeper understanding of potential imbalances. Mineral imbalances can play a significant role in skin health and acne development. HTMA provides information about nutrient deficiencies, excesses, imbalances, and ratios which shed light on which body systems need support. With this knowledge in hand, I can tailor your treatment plan with even greater precision.

hair tissue mineral analysis for acne

Your Path to Clearer Skin Starts Here

If you feel like you’ve tried everything to clearer your acne, then you need functional testing. At Melissa Birch Nutrition, I suggest which functional tests will suit you the most. I understand the unique challenges of acne and am committed to helping you address them.

Are you ready to take the first step towards a healthier, more confident you? Contact me today to book a FREE 30-minute discovery call. Together, we can unlock the root cause of your acne and set you on the path to clearer skin, naturally. 


free acne training

Free Training: 3 Steps To Clearing Acne (Without Medication or Extreme Food Restrictions)

Watch this free 15 minute video to uncover the exact 3 simple, transformational steps used by myself and my clients to clear acne and achieve healthy, glowing skin long-term.

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